Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Huggable Heroes Awards (Deadline: February 28)
The Huggable Heroes program recognizes young leaders between the ages of eight and 18 years old, doing extraordinary things in their communities or around the world to better the lives of others. Now through February 28, entries are being accepted for the 2011 search for Build-A-Bear Workshop Huggable Heroes. Ten Huggable Heroes will be selected and each will be awarded with a $7,500 educational scholarship and a $2,500 donation to the 501 (c)(3) charity of his/her choice. Entry forms are available at all Build-A-Bear Workshop stores in the United States, Puerto Rico and Canada, and online at www.lovehugssmiles.com/HuggableHeroes.aspx

Do Something Awards (Deadline: March 1)
Could you use $100,000 to change the world? The Do Something Awards (formerly the BR!CK Awards) identifies exceptional young social entrepreneurs, activists, and community leaders who are tackling a problem and changing the world. Five nominees will be rewarded with a $10,000 community grant, participation in a live VH1 TV show, media coverage and continued support from DoSomething.org. The grand prize winner will receive $100,000 during the live broadcast!! Application closes March 1st, 2011. Apply or nominate someone today at www.DoSomething.org/awards

Siemens We Can Change the World Challenge (Deadline: March 15, 2011 - Activities Take 3-12 Weeks to Complete)
As citizens and future stewards of our planet, today's students are in a unique position to become active agents of environmental change. Siemens We Can Change the World Challenge - Encourages students from grades K-12 to team up with their classmates to create replicable solutions to environmental issues in their schools (grades K to five), community (grades six to eight) and world (grades nine to 12). The goal of the Siemens We Can Change the World Challenge is to do more than jus¬t give kids a chance to formulate an experiment and carry it out. Contestants explore an environmental problem that affects their community. As part of the challenge, students must also put together guidelines for how other communities could repeat the project, and they share those guidelines as part of th¬e contest. Prizes include scholarships, savings bonds, teacher awards, school grants, adventure trips, and green products. Learn more at www.wecanchange.com

ING Unsung Heroes (Deadline: April 30)
Are you an educator with a class project that is short on funding but long on potential? Do you know a teacher looking for grant dollars? ING Unsung Heroes® could help you turn great ideas into reality for students. For more than 10 years, and with $3.0 million in awarded grants, ING Unsung Heroes has proven to be an A+ program with educators. The program's "alumni" have inspired success in the classroom and impacted countless numbers of students. Each year, 100 educators are selected to receive $2,000 to help fund their innovative class projects. Three of those are chosen to receive the top awards of an additional $5,000, $10,000 and $25,000. Applications for the 2011 awards are now available. The application deadline is April 30, 2011. http://ing.us/about-ing/citizenship/childrens-education/ing-unsung-heroes